342 BULL ST |
General Info: |
(912) 525-5000 |
Financial Aid: |
(912) 525-6109 |
31402 - 3146 |
Admissions: |
(800) 869-7223 |
For more information about this Institution, visit: |
www.scad.edu |
Locale : |
Mid-size City -- A central city of a CMSA or MSA, with the city having a population less than 250,000.
Institution Type : |
Private, not-for-profit -- Four or more years
Calendar System : |
Quarter -- A calendar system in which the academic year consists of 3 sessions called quarters of about 12 weeks each. The range may be from 10 to 15 weeks. There may be an additional quarter in the summer.
Carnegie Classification : |
Schools of art, music, and design -- These institutions award most of their bachelor^s or graduate degrees in art, music, design, architecture, or some combination of such fields.
Regional Accreditation : |
-- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges |
State Accreditation or Approval Agency : |
National or Specialized Accreditation Agency : |
Degrees/Certificates Offered : | Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree
Programs Offered : | Architecture Art History, Criticism and Conservation Cinematography and Film/ Video Production Commercial and Advertising Art Design and Applied Arts, Other Fashion/ Apparel Design Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts Historic Preservation and Conservation Industrial Design Interior Design Metal and Jewelry Arts Painting Photography