College Ranking

For many years, various profit and non-profit organizations have undertaken statistical data and ranked colleges that would help prospective students in choosing the right college. Increasingly, the importance and the authenticity of these rankings have been a debated issue. Though many universities, including highly ranked ones, are beginning to question both the data and methods used by some ranking services, nevertheless these rankings still serve as a great comparison tool for the students and parents. Worth mentioning are those compiled by US News, Petersons and Princeton Review the following entities:

US News: Each year, US News and World Report collect information from colleges and universities throughout the country to provide side-by-side school comparisons. Some of these comparisons can be helpful for students when they are hunting for the particular benefits from the colleges they are considering. They have both online version and printed version of their findings. For more information about the US News rankings, see US News' America's Best Colleges

Petersons' Review: For years, Peterson's has partnered with the educational community to ensure that students have the objective and unbiased information they need to make a decision that will influence the rest of their lives. Visit their Book Store to order their book College Rankings Exposed. For more information about the Peterson’s' Rankings, and their methodology see Peterson’s College Rankings

Princeton's Review: Every year, starting 1992, Princeton Review publishes college rankings based on student ratings of their schools and reports of their experiences at them. They present ranking lists in multiple categories to help college applicants and their parents decide which of these great colleges is best for them, given their personal priorities and interests. They offer both online and printed version of their ranking. Their latest publication Best 357 Colleges can be ordered from Barnes & Nobles bookstore. For more information on Princeton Review's ranking visit College Rankings on the Princeton's Review.

Each aforementioned entity has a different way of collecting data, methodology, and analyzing the data in ranking the colleges. For more detailed description of the methodology and a complete list of the colleges that were ranked, visit their websites.

When searching for a college to attend, even though these rankings give some sort of insight, it is best to research each college in depth on various aspects. For a quick profile of an institution that includes the institutions' mailing address, important phone numbers, website address (Institutions' Home Page), calendar system, institution type, control of the institution, Carnegie classification, accreditation, degrees offered and programs conferred, Search our huge database of around 9500 Institutions organized by Name, Alphabet, State and Program of interest.

Following are the 100 best colleges to consider that are ordered by alphabet:

American University WASHINGTON DC
Arizona State University TEMPE AZ
Baylor College of Medicine HOUSTON TX
Baylor University WACO TX
Boston University BOSTON MA
Brandeis University WALTHAM MA
Brigham Young University PROVO UT
Brown University PROVIDENCE RI
California Institute of Technology PASADENA CA
Carnegie Mellon University PITTSBURGH PA
Case Western Reserve University CLEVELAND OH
Catholic University of America WASHINGTON DC
Clark University WORCESTER MA
Clemson University CLEMSON SC
College of William and Mary WILLIAMSBURG VA
Colorado State University FT COLLINS CO
Columbia University NEW YORK NY
Cornell University ITHACA NY
Dartmouth College HANOVER NH
Drexel University PHILADELPHIA PA
Duke University DURHAM NC
Emory University ATLANTA GA
Florida State University TALLAHASSEE FL
Fordham University BRONX NY
George Washington University WASHINGTON DC
Georgetown University WASHINGTON DC
Georgia Institute of Technology ATLANTA GA
Harvard University CAMBRIDGE MA
Howard University WASHINGTON DC
Illinois Institute of Technology CHICAGO IL
Indiana University – Bloomington BLOOMINGTON IN
Iowa State University AMES IA
Johns Hopkins University BALTIMORE MD
Lehigh University BETHLEHEM PA
Loyola University of Chicago CHICAGO IL
Marquette University MILWAUKEE WI
Massachusetts Institute of Technology CAMBRIDGE MA
Miami University – Oxford OXFORD OH
Michigan State University EAST LANSING MI
Michigan Technological University HOUGHTON MI
Mount Sinai School of Medicine NEW YORK NY
New School University NEW YORK NY
New York University  NEW YORK NY
North Carolina State University at Raleigh RALEIGH NC
Northeastern University BOSTON MA
Northwestern University EVANSTON IL
Ohio State University COLUMBUS OH
Ohio University ATHENS OH
Oregon Health & Science University PORTLAND OR
Oregon State University CORVALLIS OR
Pennsylvania State University UNIVERSITY PARK PA
Pepperdine University MALIBU CA
Princeton University PRINCETON NJ
Purdue University WEST LAFAYETTE IN
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute TROY NY
Rice University HOUSTON TX
Rockefeller University NEW YORK NY
Rutgers University – New Brunswick NEW BRUNSWICK NJ
Seton Hall University SOUTH ORANGE NJ
Southern Methodist University DALLAS TX
St. Louis University ST LOUIS MO
Stanford University STANFORD CA
Stevens Institute of Technology HOBOKEN NJ
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry SYRACUSE NY
Syracuse University SYRACUSE NY
Texas Christian University FT WORTH TX
Tufts University MEDFORD MA
Tulane University NEW ORLEANS LA
University at Buffalo – SUNY BUFFALO NY
University of Missouri – Columbia COLUMBIA MO
University of Alabama at Birmingham BIRMINGHAM AL
University of Arizona TUCSON AZ
University of California – Berkeley BERKELEY CA
University of California – Davis DAVIS CA
University of California – Irvine IRVINE CA
University of California – Los Angeles LOS ANGELES CA
University of California – Riverside RIVERSIDE CA
University of California – San Diego LA JOLLA CA
University of California - San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO CA
University of California – Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA CA
University of California – Santa Cruz SANTA CRUZ CA
University of Chicago CHICAGO IL
University of Cincinnati - Main Campus CINCINNATI OH
University of Colorado at Boulder BOULDER CO
University of Connecticut STORRS CT
University of Dayton DAYTON OH
University of Delaware NEWARK DE
University of Denver DENVER CO
University of Florida GAINESVILLE FL
University of Georgia ATHENS GA
University of Hawaii at Manoa HONOLULU HI
University of Illinois at Chicago CHICAGO IL
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign CHAMPAIGN IL
University of Iowa IOWA CITY IA
University of Kansas LAWRENCE KS
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